Home Blog Bail Bonds Can You Bail Someone Out of Jail at Night? All Your Questions Answered

September 5, 2024  |  Posted by jesse  |  Bail Bonds

It doesn’t matter what time of the day you are arrested; you’ll always want to get out as soon as humanly possible. While most people who have an understanding of the bail process know that you can post bail during regular workday hours, not everyone understands how it works during non-working hours.

In fact, one of the most questions we get here at Balboa Bail Bonds is, ‘can you bail someone out of jail at night?’ The answer to that question is yes, in most cases, you can.

We’ll dive into everything you need to know about bailing someone out at night, or at the weekend, in this post. Already know that you need to post bail? Then don’t hesitate to get in touch with the team at Balboa Bail Bonds by calling 1-877-777-2099. We’re available to pick up the phone twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. 

Bailing Out of Jail at Night: All Your Questions Answered

OK, let’s get straight to it: you absolutely can bail someone out of jail at night. People can be arrested at all times of the day, and jails typically don’t follow traditional business hours. They’re generally ready to deal with all aspects of the legal process regardless of whether it’s 12 pm or 12 am.

The bail process might move a little slower than if it was during the day, since there may be fewer employees on hand to complete paperwork, but it shouldn’t make a significant difference. If you get woken up by a call telling you that your loved one is in jail, then you won’t have to wait until morning to begin the process of bringing them home. You can simply give Balboa Bail Bonds a call and get the ball rolling as soon as possible.

There are a few instances in which bail might not be granted until the following morning. For instance, if the defendant has to go in front of a judge before bail can be set, and the judge has gone for the night, then the person will likely need to spend the night in the cell. We can help you figure out whether bail has been set. 

Getting Bailed Out of Jail on a Weekend: What You Need to Know

People also commonly ask us, ‘can you get bailed out of jail on a weekend?’ And that answer is a little more complicated. Defendants must have their bail set during an arrangement hearing, and that might not happen on a Saturday or Sunday. It all depends on whether there’s a judge around to make it happen.

While all defendants must have their hearing within 48 hours of their arrest, this time period does not include weekends. Someone who is arrested on Saturday night might have to wait until Monday before they can post bail, purely because the bail amount might not be set until then.

If the person was arrested on Friday and is still in jail on Saturday, then the bail process will function as normal. It’ll just be a matter of processing paperwork, which jails are capable of doing on weekends. 

Note that a person who is arrested on Saturday or Sunday will not always have to stay behind bars until Monday. It all depends on whether bail can be set; some courts provide this function at weekends, in which case the fact that it’s a Saturday or Sunday won’t have any bearing.

If you need help figuring out any aspect of the bail process, then we encourage you to get in touch with our team. 

Posting Bail on the Weekend: Step-by-Step Guide

Whether it’s Wednesday afternoon or Saturday night; when you find yourself behind bars, your one and only objective will be to get home as soon as possible. As we’ve already established, the answer to the question, ‘can you bail someone out of jail on the weekend’ is yes, you can. However, the time frame might be slightly longer than it would be during the week. 

Below, we’ll run through the process of posting bail on the weekend. Also, if you’re asking yourself, ‘can you get out of jail on Sunday,’ note that the same process applies. The step-by-step guide applies in situations where bail has been set; if the jail doesn’t grant bail on weekends, and it wasn’t set on Friday, then the defendant might have to wait until Monday.

Step One: Contact Balboa Bail Bonds

We’re available to take your calls 24/7. Once you’ve gotten in touch with us, we’ll take down some key information about the arrested individual. Then we’ll get to work on establishing whether bail has been set and, if so, for how much.

Step Two: You Agree to Work With Us

We charge a fee for our services. Worried about how much they’ll be? Don’t worry — our pricing is affordable, and we also offer a range of payment plans that can make the cost easier to manage. Once we’ve come to an agreement, we’ll get to work on releasing you or your loved one from jail.

Step Three: The person is Released From Jail

We’ll post bail as soon as we can. Once we’ve done that, it’ll be up to the jail to process their own paperwork. This usually takes a couple of hours, but it can take longer on the weekends since some jails have fewer members of staff working during those periods. 

Getting Released from Jail on a Saturday: Explained

People are arrested at all times of the day and on all days. While there are some instances in which it’s not possible to be released from jail on a Saturday, it can happen. It all depends on whether bail can be set. If it has been set, then the process of getting out of jail is the same as any other day, though the process might take slightly longer. 

Need help posting bail? Don’t hesitate to contact Balboa Bail Bonds by calling 1-877-777-2088 or by filling out the form on this page.
